ERASME CIRCULAR ECONOMY WEBINAR - Local network and communities to support Circular economy

ERASME CIRCULAR ECONOMY WEBINAR - Local network and communities to support Circular economy


6 july - 17h30 CET

Circular economy brings new business model and new actors to the table. They need to connect to each other and to those already in place to create alternative industries. But, how could they recognize each other and work together ? Building local communities of circular stakeholder or create an international and digital network of circular pioneers can be both an answer. Through this webinar, discover three examples of network and communities which collaborate to develop the circular economy at their level.


Oriane Marignier is Project manager for territorial animation within the International Center for Resources and Innovation for Sustainable Development (CIRIDD), I participate in the animation of the circular economy network in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes as well as internationally . For 6 years, I have been carrying out entrepreneurial projects dedicated to the circular economy and waste management after completing a master's degree in green chemistry. I am passionate about international interaction and creating strategy at a global level especially dedicated to the environment.

06/07 - 06/07/2023
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Oriane Marignier

Chargée de mission économie circulaire Pôle Innovation et Animation Territoriale